How long we live depends on several factors, including lifestyle habits, exercise levels, body metrics, and genetics. While no one can predict the exact number of years a person will live, you can get a scientific estimate by evaluating these factors. Our longevity calculator takes into account metrics like body fat percentage, exercise level, arterial pressure, smoking habits, and more to give you a rough idea of your potential lifespan.

Fill out the form below to discover an estimate of your longevity and get personalized recommendations to improve your health and increase your lifespan.

Longevity Estimator

How the Longevity Calculator Works

  1. Base Life Expectancy:
    We start with a base life expectancy of 80 years and adjust it based on several factors.
  2. Key Adjustments:
    • Gender: Men typically have a slightly lower life expectancy than women.
    • Body Fat: Very high or very low body fat can affect longevity.
    • Exercise: Regular physical activity can add years to life expectancy.
    • Blood Pressure: High blood pressure significantly impacts health.
    • Smoking & Alcohol: These lifestyle factors reduce lifespan.
  3. Recommendations:
    Based on the estimated years left, users receive specific suggestions to improve their health and extend their lifespan.



Please note that this calculator is not scientific and provides only an approximate estimate based on general health indicators. It cannot account for individual health conditions, genetics, or unforeseen circumstances. The purpose of this tool is to guide you towards a healthier lifestyle by highlighting areas of improvement.

For precise health advice and personalized medical guidance, please consult with your doctor or healthcare provider.

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